![]() One & half year Specific Degree leading to M.tech The one & half year curriculum for the M.Tech degree in Mining Engineering includes advance training and better exposureof mining industry to the students leading to specializaton in Mining Engineering. The courses structures are well simulated with the Research & Development activities in Mining and allied Industry. Some of the key courses include : Advanced MineVentilation, Geomechanics application in Mining Engg,Instrumentation & control etc. Admission critrion According to merit through Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conduted by IIT's and IISc every year for different disciplines.
Self - financing and sponsered candidates with minimum of two years relevant
experience in their fields.
List of Elective
Subjects - I & II (Any Two)
List of Elective Subjects - III
& IV (Any Two)
N.B : Students are also alloowed, in consultation
with their course advisor , to opt for subjects relevant to their course
from the existing courses of other departments of this institute.
Credits Theories
of rock failure. Stresses around mine excavations, their estimation by
analytical and experimental methods and field measurements. Mine model
analysis using equivalent material models. Design of mine excavations like
drifts, shafts and stopes; pillar design. Theories of roof failure of small
and large excavations. Mining subsidence, Bumps and rock bursts. Slope
Stability Analysis. 28623ENVIRONMENTAL
CONTROL IN MINES3-0-03 Credits Surface
mining vs. ecological balance. Air pollution from surface mining and processing-monitoring,
control and standards. Air pollution dispersion models. Water pollution
– types, control and monitoring, ground water contamination. Noise and
ground vibrations. Tailings dams design. Reclamation, Revegetation Environmental
legislation, Environmental management plan, and Economics of mining environment
AND CONTROL3-1-04Credits Automatic
Control; Concept of static & dynamic characteristics; transfer function.
Controllers ; On-off, PID, Cascade, Automatic control of mining and mineral
processing machinery. Instrumentation; Functions of instrumentation. Characteristics
of instruments. Sensors for measurement of displacement; vibration. Sensors
for measurement process variables, viz. density; moisture; PH; flow; temperature;
level; pressure, gas analyzers. Signal Processing, Telemetry. Display of
data Intrinsically Safe DAS Introduction to computer & microprocessor
control of mines, mineral processing systems. 28605ROCK
Credits Modern
methods of testing of Geomechanical Properties of Rocks. Experiments on
Rock cutting and drilling, Model Preparation and their testing, Photoelastic
analysis of Mine Models, Determination of thermal properties of rocks. 28617MINE
Credits Experiments
to estimate water pollution parameters. Soil characterization, noise and
vibration measurements. High volume sampler and air quality analysis. 28602MINE
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING3-1-04Credits Introduction
to systems analysis and engineering. Operations research models, Dynamic
programming applications. Markov process. Simulation of mining systems.
Management information system. Reliability Computer methods in mine systems
engineering. 28604MINERAL
Credits Role of minerals in national economy. Mineral resources availability – Indian and global perspective. Theory of depletion – case for minerals. National and international trade in mineral commodities. Stockpiling conservation. Cartel price. Investments in mineral resources sector – Opportunities and risk. Mineral taxation. Mineral market structure. 28606ADVANCED
Credits Advanced
treatment of aerodynamics. Psychrometry. Estimation of mine heat load and
cooling loads. Climate prediction models. Design of air cooling systems
and direct contact heat exchangers. Mine ventilation network analysis –
graph theory fundamentals. Hardycross and linear theory models. Controlled
flow. Ventilation thermodynamics. Tracer gas techniques. Controlled recirculation.
Methane control. Ventilation planning with diesel and Raton. 28608MINE
SYSTEMS LAB0-0-32Credits Hands
on experience in the utilization of softwares like SURPAC, GEOEAS, MIP83,
GENO, SPSS, dBASE, Development of computer programs for mining related
optimizations. 28610ADVANCED
Credits Experiments
to determine rock thermal properties. Simulation of roadway heat flow.
Shock loss estimation. Fan testing. Proximate analysis and other coal properties. 28611ADVANCED
SURFACE MINING METHODS3-1-04Credits Advanced
methods of designing surface mines, Optimization of pit geometry. Surface
mining systems for flat and steep deposits – Dragline, Bucket wheel Excavators,
Shovels. Pit slope design, Mineral quality control, Placer mining and Undersea
mining. 28613APPLIED
Credits Geostatistical
concept, probability and statistics, Mineral inventory, Extension methods
and application of classical statistics, Regularisation, Auxilliary functions,
Liner Kriging methodology, Mining applications, Geostatistics for quality
control, Basis of non-parametric geostatistics and indicator Kriging, GEOEAS
Software. 28615MINE
Credits Principles
of planning, General principles of mine planning and design. Planning and
design of mine reconstruction, and modernization of technological processes,
planning and design of new mines, Optimization of mine parameters. Economic
problems in mining investment. Detailed planning and design of unit operations,
Planning and scheduling of mining operations. 28619RELAIBILITY
Credits Introduction
to reliability concept, Basic probability theory, Application of reliability
in mining systems, Probability distributions in reliability evaluations
– reliability functions. The Poisson distribution, Weibull distribution,
Series systems, Parallel systems, Partially redundant systems, Reliability
allocation, Markov modeling, Application of F.T.A. and FMECA in mining
systems, Maintenance and maintainability – definitions, Concepts and application,
Maintainability Prediction. 28628ADVANCED
Credits Material
Handling Plant Layout – Fundamentals of material handling plant layout,
classical types of layout, evaluation and selection of material handling
layout. Design of Bins and Hoppers – flow patterns, measurement of flow
properties, design methods, feedery, dischargers, silos, chutes and gates.
Bulk material sampling and weighing systems, Blending of bulk materials.
Transportation inteface – Rail and water. Monitoring and control. 28630SAFETY
Credits Safety
concepts, Mine safety systems, Techniques and procedures used in safety
analysis, Risk concepts, Fault tree and Event tree analysis, Database in
mine safety, classification of mining accidents, Accident prevention, Loss
control, Computer applications in systems safety. 28632MECHANICS
Credits General theories of rock cutting. Design of cutting tools for optimum penetration and wear characteristics. Mechanics of Rotary and percussive drilling, Mechanics of coal cutting tools. Drillability and machinability characteristics of rocks. Advances in rock cutting techniques. Mechanics of rock breakage in blasting. Design of blasting. Ground vibration due to blasting. 28634GROUND
Credits Terzaghi
rock load classification. Rock structure rating. Rock mass rating. Q-system
etc. Ground failure and pressure on supports. Mechanics of various support
systems : Yielding – mechanical supports, Power supports, shield supports,
Arch supports, concrete lining, Stowing/Back filling for strata control,
Rock bolting, and cable bolting. Design of shaft support system. 28636MINE
RECLAMATION3-0-03Credits Economic
and technical aspects of Reclamation. Reclamation methods – back filling,
outside dumps and their stability. Top soil handling. Assessment of soil
productivity potential, Revegitation. Reclamation plan and landuse plan.
General requirement of protection of hydrologic balance. 28638GEODESY
Credits Physical
and Geometrical Geodesy, Geodetic reference systems, Geophysics, Geodetic
instrumentation and techniques. Theory and practical aspects of photogrammetry,
Satellite imagery and their use in Cartography, Principle and design of
plotting machines. |