Duration : 30-11-2005 to 02-12-2005
Venue : IIT, Kharagpur
Send all your correspondence to any one of the following organizing officials :
Prof Ashis Bhattacherjee
Head of the Department , Chairman
Department of Mining Engineering , IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302, India
E-mail : ashisb@mining.iitkgp.ernet.in
Phone: (091) 3222-283704 (O) , 283705(R ), 277684 (R) ,
Fax: (091) 3222-282700 , 255303
Prof Samir Kumar Das
Department of Mining Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302, India
E-mail : samirdas@mining.iitkgp.ernet.in
Phone: (091) 3222-283706 (O), 283707 (R) , 220195 (R ),
Fax: (091) 3222-282700 , 255303
Prof U.M.Rao Karanam
Department of Mining Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur - 721 302, India
E-mail : umr@mining.iitkgp.ernet.in
Phone: (091) 3222-283716 (O ) , 283717 (R ), 277672 ( R ),
Fax: (091) 3222-282700 , 255303
Short Term Courses
1: Application of Virtual Reality in Mineral Industry
Duration : 30-01-2005 to 05-02-2005
Venue : IIT Kharagpur
Principal Coordinator :
Dr. Debashis Chakravorty
Mining Engineering
Co-Coordinator :
Prof. A. Bhattacherjee
Mining Engineering
Phone : 283704 (O); 283705 (R)