The Rock Mechanics laboratory is well equiped with all the latest equipments for stress analysis,triaxial , direct and indirect shear tests, along with 100 ton Universal Testing machine. Equivalent material model study facilities are the most utilised ones of the Department. A model mine gallery and well equipped aerodynamics laboratory for conducting various studies on subsurface ventilation. Workstations and PCs with Pentium processors supporting Windows and UNIX environments, all connected to the IIT internal network, and to the internet. A Mine environmental laboratory with facilities forair and waterquality analysis, noise and groundvibrations. A well equipped workshop for necessary design and fabrication of instrumentation. A libraryof in-house and commercial software , Text as well as reference Books and Thesis for mine planning, geostatistical applications, mine accident analysis, equipment reliability , operations research applications, finite element analysis for application to geomechanics problems, ventilation network analysis, and climate simulation. Interdepartmental facilities including DTA/TG, SEM, particle size analysis, frequency analysis, XRD, digital image processing, thin section studies, flocculation studies, gas chromatography, AAS, and such have often been used for the Departmental research work. Labs &Workshop : Fire &Explosion Lab Surveying Lab Workshop |